Swaragini actor Mayur Verma has been all over town, claiming he is going to be part of Bigg Boss 10. The anticipation about the Salman Khan-hosted show is peaking as it gears up to roll mid next month.
"I have been selected as a contestant for upcoming season of Bigg Boss," the actor confirmed in the media this week.
He elaborated, "Last year, I had been nominated as a wild card contestant, however as it was right after my break-up with Marina (Marina Kuwar), I thought to refrain from sharing same screen space. But this time, I am very much looking forward to being on the show."
However, Bollywood PR guru Dale Bhagwagar who has worked with a full 20 celebs who have participated in Bigg Boss, doubts Mayur's claim. "I have a feeling Swaragini actor Mayur Verma is bluffing about his entry on Bigg Boss," tweeted the publicist.
Now now! We don't know about Mayur, but we are certain this public relations expert has a nose for news. So if he smells a rat; he smells a rat; and it's as simple as that.

Saturday, September 24, 2016 15:53 IST