Commenting on the same, an elated Herry Tangiri said, `Am over whelmed with the response the film is getting and in particular my character is getting. Am really happy that people think I have done justice to the role and also like to thank Neeraj sir for such an opportunity.`
Herry essays the role of a younger Yuvraj in the film, and has emulated the character nearly perfectly, ever since the release of the film, social media has been abuzz about his character and the film, also a lot of people have been calling and texting him for the success of the film.

Below are few tweets and messages he received over social media
@pr_anand13: @herrytangiri awesome bhai!!!! The entry of uas just stealed the show... N whistles went on!!n ua walking style... so absolute dat ua r yuvi
@cricketharshit: @YuvStrong12 Yuvi's role in Dhoni's film is above superb.. Great acting @herrytangiri
@rpallav 23: @herrytangiri you nailed that role of @Yuvstrong12 ... hats off!!! Those looks, that swag, that style! It was great to see you!
@JaiDeep: IF biopic ever made on @Yuvstrong12 you'll become the first choice of Yuvi & his fans for sure
@VipinJain4u: @herrytangiri you absolutely nailed it paaji... bring back memories of our beloved @yuvstrong12 paaji... thanks..
@anujlodha12: From now on, for every Yuvraj Singh's role u r gonna be the first choice!! It was pretty hard to recognise that it wasn't him
@iFaridoon: A spcl mention 4 d actor who plays the younger version of Yuvraj Singh. He's so uncannily similar that it'll baffle u #MSDhoniTheUntoldStory