The advertisement campaign highlights how a woman could have saved herself by using the ZIMAN application while encountering an adverse situation. Commenting on the overwhelming response the campaign has received, Mr. Pramoud Rao, Managing Director, Zicom SaaS Pvt. Ltd. said, `The tie-up was one of its kind in the industry. The response we received after the release of `PINK` surpassed our expectations. The number of inquires we received relating to the ZIMAN app has increased drastically and has even translated to an increase in the number of users downloading and subscribing to the Women Safety application on their mobiles.`

As per the review analysis, in Mumbai alone the number of mobile user downloading and subscribing the application has doubled post the release of the movie. Nearly 1.8 lac women mobile users inquired online and through calls about the effectiveness of the application in mitigating risk while facing an untoward incident.
The trend of downloading and subscribing to safety apps has also been seen in remote areas and outskirts of cities. The promotional video created by Ziman, featuring Taapsee Pannu has got over 1 Million views. Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury's 'Pink' is based on real life incidents encountered by women and hence many could relate to topics shown in the movie. To tackle such occurrences, safety apps like Ziman can come for rescue. The uniquely featured app, will not only curb crime with its 24*7 support facility, but will also act as a virtual protector that will aid safety and security during times of distress.