Confirming the news, actor Sanjay Dutt said, "I have been looking for scripts that went beyond my screen persona. I wanted to do something vulnerable yet powerful. Bhoomi is an emotional and sensitive drama that explores the relationship between a father and daughter."
To be directed by Omung Kumar, word is that 'Bhoomi' promises to portray the charismatic Dutt in a yet unseen avatar. "This one will keep the audience taut and on the edge of their seats," says Omung Kumar.

"Bhoomi is an emotional, revenge drama that centres around the relationship between a father and daughter," adds Omung.
Producer Bhushan Kumar says, "Sanjay Dutt's versatility as an actor will be on display with 'Bhoomi'. I am personally looking forward to this film."
Producer Sandeep Singh adds, "Baba ( Sanjay Dutt) believed in the script from the day he heard it and has been the driving force behind this film.Bhoomi is a story that will buckle the trend. We are delighted that Sanjay Dutt is making a comeback through 'Bhoomi'.
To be shot extensively in Uttar Pradesh in February , 'Bhoomi' will be the first of Legend Studios packed schedule of films to go on the floors in 2017.