Afew weeks ago, Ranveer Singh accompanied Akshay Kumar to attend the Akshay Kumar Kudo tournament in Surat, Gujarat. While in Surat, Ranveer lost one of his favourite sunglasses - which he had bought from Paris, France - owing to a melee. A source says, `It was one of Ranveer's most-loved possessions.
Although it has been few weeks since the incident, Akshay didn't forget that. In fact, he went out of the way to get Ranveer a similar pair of sunglasses of the same brand from Paris.` The source adds that Akshay asked one of his friends who was travelling to Paris to find a similar pair. `Although the same pair [of sunglasses] couldn't be found, Akshay got him a similar looking piece and had it sent to Ranveer earlier this week,` says the source.

Friday, December 09, 2016 13:01 IST