Now it seems Salman has inspired 'godwoman' Radhe Maa to do the same. Last week, the lady was spotted with some of her disciples, distributing blankets to poor people around the streets of her abode in Borivali on a strong winter night.

Radhe Maa even went a step ahead in secrecy. She walked up to a few people sleeping on the pavements, quietly wrapped a blanket around them and moved away. If it wasn't for her tika, bangles and disciples around her, Radhe Maa dressed in her patent bright scarlet-red attire, could almost be mistaken for Santa Claus.
Her patron Sanjeev Gupta of Global Advertisers confirms that Radhe Maa has indeed been doing a lot of charity, including distribution of blankets. "She has distributed more than 3,000 blankets to the underprivileged. And as the winter increases, she will try and help more and more people," he says.