Sushmita Sen thanked Rouble Nagi for making her a part of the art camp initiative. "The hope and happiness," she said "Rouble brings to these awesome children is overwhelming!" About the art camp, she enthused, "Children symbolize celebration. Everything about them... their energy levels, innocent beliefs... is all about celebration. The kids today have drawn flowers, pigeons, peacocks to say that we want our country to be peaceful, and this, in itself, is a commendable thought!"

Added Artist-Philanthropist Rouble Nagi, "Today's children are tomorrow's citizens. The Rouble Nagi Art Foundation [RNAF] Republic Day art camp's aim is to instil patriotism, confidence and hone artistic abilities of the children from Mumbai slums and provide them with equal educational opportunities. Sushmita Sen is one of the kindest people I have come across, her warmth and genuineness of approach and her special love for children known. I am glad she found time to come, support and participate in this Rouble Nagi Art Foundation Republic Day art camp, making it a grand success."