Lionsgate's next, Kin is all set to take us on a journey of twist and turns of events that we have never experienced before. It's the story of a young boy trapped in unexpected circumstances and on a run with his elder brother with a weapon of mysterious origin as their only protection.
According to the screenwriter Daniel Casey, the movie is a coming-of-age story. He explains, "Obviously for the main character, Eli, but it's also a coming-of-age story for Jimmy, his older brother. The movie is called Kin because this is a story specifically about family and family relationships. The further we got along into developing the script and making the film, the more we realized that our story featured so many intersections of people just kind of searching for family or trying to get along with family."
There were these elements that helped the team to provide a story structure to the movie and brought a very powerful and tricky narrative which could stand on its own even without its sci-fi details. Casey further adds, "That was a goal we all adopted as we went along, the idea to tell a story that took place in and around this family that was breaking up, that had demons, and to just kind of life with these characters as human beings rather than having to talk about spaceships. As long as your characters are working, as long as they have real emotional wants and needs, I think you wind up with a good movie first, and then the science fiction components you add on top of that to help elevate it into something distinct. The human story was always the top priority."
With all the intriguing plots, Kin is all set to take you on a thrilling journey and we can't wait to watch it in theatres soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018 15:02 IST