From date just representing a specific day to the word date meaning a special meeting with a certain someone, we`ve all grown up and come a long way. We have reached at the point of time where to go on a date all it takes is a single swipe. Going on a date is not the problem these days, but what will be the kind of date and how will the events of the meeting unfold is what is the real and burning question. TVF Qtiyapa hilariously portrays every possible kind of dating scenario in their latest sketch `Dating Qtiyapa`.
From incidents such as going on a blind date, which eventually turns out to be a shocking affair for both the parties, to a planned night out, the sketch keeps one wondering what will be the next Qtiyapa in this context. Featuring Ahsaas Channa , Ayush Mehra, Badriprasad Chavan, Abhinav Anand and Shreyasi Sharma, this sketch definitely sorts out the problem of what to watch after those big lists of shows/sketches to be finished on Independence Day.
To learn some master tricks of what to do and what not to on dates, watch this amusing sketch on TVFPlay and TVFQtiyapa/Youtube. Who knows you might end up finding your lucky lady or prince charming in your next date. Also, if you are too lazy to go, search for these videos and then wait for it to load, simply click here:

Monday, August 19, 2019 16:24 IST