The latest release titled 'Bamfaad' has truly made waves all across as it continues to receive a hulking response from the audiences, which also marks the Bollywood debut of Aditya Rawal and Shalini Pandey. Who doesn't love freshly-harvested content which is relatable? The story revolves around Naate who is an intense guy who loves and hates, passionately. One on hand, he strives for his friends to be happy and on the other, he doesn't hesitate to stand up to the local gangster Jigar Fareedi. He falls in love with Neelam who eventually starts liking him too.
Aditya Rawal who plays the main protagonist is debuting as an actor through this film, he is the son of veteran actor Paresh Rawal. The debut actor, when asked about his father, said, "Since both of us have an artistic background, we always talk about our work and we watch films together as I am a screenwriter and play writer as well ( as I have co-written Panipat) and I always picked up things from him. But specifically before this film, he told me that as a writer I have an added advantage in terms of understanding characters the intensity of the writer so I should use my knowledge to my advantage."

Aditya Rawal further adds, "He (Paresh Rawal) gave me two pieces of advice- first one, Always observe people, never stop observing people because you will always find something you can use or something you can learn from them even if they are your fellow actors of people around you because eventually, you are going to play a human being. And the second thing was that prepare hard and before you go on-set just unlearn everything so you can be spontaneous".
This is the perfect tip for all those who are planning to venture into the entertainment industry and one cannot agree more! Moreover, just before its release, the film even before it's release received best wishes even from Bollywood actors like Aamir Khan, Bollywood's megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Veteran actor Gulshan Grover, filmmakers like Ashutosh Gowarikar and Rahul Dholakia along with music Composer Shekhar Ravjiani.
Bamfaad, produced by JAR Pictures and Shaika Films will also star Vijay Verma and Jatin Sarna along with Aditya Rawal and Shalini Pandey. 'Bamfaad' was released on 10th April 2020.