The 'girl of the moment' was a natural on-screen and received appreciation from all the audiences and critics alike. Apart from that, Alaya even got appreciations from mommies and said, `A lot of moms came up to me and told me they love my role in the movie`.
The debutante made the perfect choice for her first step into Bollywood and is enjoying the success swing she has built for herself. Being a firm believer of being prepared for everything and then giving the final shot, Alaya has aced the game.
Soon after such a phenomenal debut, Alaya even graced the cover of a leading magazine and made her debut at fashion week for a leading brand. Alaya is making all her firsts perfect and memorable and one cannot agree more!
The audiences are continuously demanding more of Alaya F on-screen and are wanting to see her in more and more characters, as she basks in the success of her debut.