Sudip also shares how it's the first show to be shot there and the team's experience of setting up. The creator shares, `This is the first time any film, or series has been shot in Chitrakoot. When we had initially visited Chitrakoot for a scout, we weren't aware of the terrain and the lack of infrastructure. We had to build the entire shooting eco-system from scratch. Luckily for us, a hotel had recently opened there, and that helped us a lot. The town is almost like a quaint forgotten town, something like Banaras but without the hustle and bustle.`

Sudip has previously mentioned that most of the show has been shot at actual locations in Delhi, Gurgaon, and Rohtak.

The creators of the show have done an extensive research to bring to the audience the closest picture to reality. The makers want to keep the show as authentic as possible. The audience waits to see what the show has in store for them. So mark your calendar everyone as it releases on 15 May, 2020!