Being a show that is all about fun, friendship and more, read on to know five fantastic things about what makes Honey-Bunny a hit Jodi in town
1. Honey Bunny are the new Friendship goals
Their friendship will surely leave you awestruck! The duo always has each other's back in every situation, no matter what. With the two cats always embarking on a new adventure together and despite them falling into trouble, they've gone to set an example of being the best of friends.
2. They will never fail to tickle your funny bone
Honey and Bunny are a perfect combo of unlimited jokes, where Honey is the goofy one and Bunny is a smart prankster and together they create madness. Their tongue in cheek humour can turn every situation into a funny one.

3. Honey & Bunny's squad is cooler than your squad
The feline duo has the coolest squad! Ms. Katkar's house residents include Popat, a very talkative yet fun parrot, Zordaar who is unlike his name and is very easily scared and always tries to solve any mishaps in the house. This bunch of Honey, Bunny, Zordaar and Popat, when together are a laughter riot. Name a cooler squad than them?
4. Set on a journey of a new adventure every day with Honey Bunny
The duo are always getting themselves into some crazyfunny new adventure that will leave you in splits. Each of the roadblocks that they encounter is a humours journey through the various twists and turns that will grip you till the end ,with some of them including the gang being stuck in a haunted house or travelling through time in a time machine. With their never-ending banter-filledcomedy, and a variety of crazy stories, there's no surprise to see kids always being hooked on to the show wanting for more.
5. All's well that's end well
Don't we all just love a happy ending? Making the shows of Honey Bunny all the more special and memorable is that despite no matter how challenging the problem is, the gang always gets to the bottom of it and things get back to normal. Talk about saving the best for the very last. Now that's a show we'd certainly love to watch. Have you found your other half like Honey has found Bunny?You better do, because when you have a friend by your side, the excitement and adventures are bound to double. It takes two to tango after all!!!