The brothers took to Instagram to share pictures from the evening as they played in harmony as a tribute to their guru and father in their music room. Ayaan Ali Bangash spoke on how symbolic the music room is, and said, "The music room is where we all learnt. All the students and us would always learn in this room which is more symbolic and is beyond a concrete structure. It has portraits of all our forefathers including a centre portrait of our grandfather Ustad Haafiz Ali Khan."
Talking about spending the day with his kids and grandkids, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, said, "I wished all my students all over the world through cyber space however I was very happy to be able to play and spend time with Amaan and Ayaan especially my grandsons Zohaan and Abeer. They are both working hard and need blessings from elders and well wishers around the world."