As we converse with Sahoo actress Evelyn Sharma, she reveals to us: `The FIVE SEASONS ebook is a visual guide to help you choose the right design for your brand in easy steps and get you started. Most entrepreneurs are focused on developing their business idea and lack the knowledge of the marketing side. This can become very expensive if you have to build a marketing team or outsource this work to an agency, like WIP Creatives, It's in fact become a concern for many of our clients as well as many of my friends who run businesses. To help you save that budget we have come up with a visual guide to get your show on the road! Whether this is a hand sanitizer, a film production house, or a fashion label, we want to help you with a quick brand ideation process so you can bring your business to the next level, in style! You can head over to our website (www.wipcreatives.com/ebooks) to sign up and win a FREE version now, which attached to a very fun surprise we'll be revealing this Sunday! This is my gift to you on my birthday!`
Besides new brands and products evolving through the Covid19 crisis, we are currently witnessing entirely new industries emerging. This kind of guide sure looks promising and like the missing link for a lot of young entrepreneurs that are trying to turn their ideas into a brand, or influencers that are struggling to stand out with a competitive Social Media design. Whether it is a TikTok ban or entire companies shutting, this time may also be an opportunity for a new bunch of hustlers to come out winning!
WIP Creatives' is a boutique marketing agency catering to brands and influencers alike to find their identity in the public eye, unique to their talents. WIP Creatives was founded in 2017 by Bollywood actress Evelyn Sharma and aims help people create an impact to live a life of passion and achieve lasting influence to be remembered for what they love.