Apart from that, Salman is also thinking to release the film on a pay-per-view basis which means for some time, the film will be available only to those who pay to watch the film digitally. After some time, every prime user can watch it. But now, exhibitors are coming forward and requesting the star not to release his big-budgeted film 'Radhe' on OTT. Check out the exhibitors letter for Salman Khan requesting to release Radhe in theaters only -

Exhibitors requested SalmanKhan to release Radhe only in theatres and sent an open letter to SalmanKhan which reads, "Dear Mr. Salman Khan, The iconic figure among the youth of India. Rather Asia, the fan following of your stardom is so strong that they wait for your movie and the initial opening of any of your films is mind blowing and historic."
The letter further stated that how Radhe release on OTT is devastating and depressing for the cinema owners, "The cinemas have recently opened and eagerly awaiting Block Buster's movies of superstars to release and re-create the magic of big screen entertainment. The exhibition sector got a setback when Akshay Kumars Laxmi was finalized to be released on the OTT platform during the festive season of Diwali. As the news in trade circles that your "RADHE" the most expected Block Buster is also negotiating for OTT release is just devastating and depressing for the cinema owners."
The letter focuses more on the livelihood of cinema owners and people connected to the industry, "Single screen cinemas contribute a good amount of the business of blockbuster films; the only reason is that still penetration of the cinemas in the interiors and remote districts. There is a significant contribution of cinemas to create box office hysteria and craze of your stardom. Just for your information that behind every cinema many families run their livelihood, just to name some; (a) staff of the cinema, (b) staff of the cinema canteen, (c) publicity boy for posters and mike, (d) hawkers outside this cinema selling various products."
"Sir we have every good hope that super stars like you will certainly come forward to save the cinemas from dying natural death, created by Scarcity of films to be screened. You have been the super hindi film hero not just on screen but also off it. Please rise and use your good persona, power, influence to save the single screen cinemas and create a win win situation for all in the trade. Seasons greetings. Truly yours Satadeep Saha And on behalf of all exhibitors."
Well, now we have to wait whether Salman Khan will change his decision of Radhe's OTT release or will go with the welfare of cinema owners!