1. Do not drink water
Sometimes you do the right thing by not doing the wrong. As much as you think water solves the problem, the truth is, it doesn't. In fact, it will only spread the heat around your tongue and you certainly don't want that.
2. Reach out for some milk
If you want something to drink, milk is the best option. Even if you've got lactose problems, you don't need to drink an entire glass or something, just a little bit will do for the time being.

3. Eat something sweet for some much-needed brownie points
Be a honey to your honey with some honey. Or make the most of the Nutella in the fridge. The point is to just give them something sweet. This is where Newton's 3rd law comes into play and offers an equal and opposite reaction to the action. For all you know, you might get some action to their reaction after that *wink wink*
4. Give them a kiss. Because your lips are sugar
Yup, you read that just right. Carpe diem the moment then and there and save the day.As Enrique rightly said, `I can be your hero, baby`. This is exactly how.
5. Say, `It looks like you aren't the hottest thing around` and make them laugh
If you can't do anything at the moment, it's those few words that will make all the difference. And when you're not feeling well, laughter is certainly the best medicine. Bring your humour A-game to the table, especially when there's nothing sweet, and utter this mushy line. Go cheesy when you don't have cheese. It may sound stupid, but it'll surely distract them from what they're feeling and make them laugh. Job well done.