In a heartwarming moment, Nana Patekar fondly recalled a story tied to the word "Nana", saying, 'We were shooting for the movie Kohram, and one day, Amit ji came and was distributing sweets to everyone. I asked him, 'What's the occasion?' and he said, 'My daughter just had a baby, main Nana ban gaya hu!'' The ever-humorous Nana, known for his wit, smiled and replied, 'Kitne saal lag gaye, main toh Janam se Nana hu'.
Nana Patekar also shared a touching memory involving the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, adding a personal and heartfelt moment to the conversation. He recalled, 'One day, Amit ji came wearing a beautiful shirt. I complimented him and Amit ji told me that it belonged to Abhishek. Later that evening, Amit Ji left, my pack-up was a bit delayed. When I went to my vanity after my shoot, I found that same shirt hanging there. It's still with me to this day."
Tune in for a memorable evening as Nana and Amitabh Bachchan bond over their incredible careers and shared experiences. This Friday, be sure to tune in to this special episode on 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 16' at 9 PM only on Sony Entertainment Television.