A. Somebody simple in mind, and flexible in thought. She's also got to be extremely self-confident.
Q. Ideal romantic vacation?
A. Any exotic beach resort.
Q. Which woman inspires you the most?
A. My mother, she's a perfect woman — a blend of a perfect wife and a perfect mother.
Q. Are men from Mars and women from Venus?
A. For sure, they are planets apart!
Q. Can a man and a woman ever have a platonic relationship?
A. Of course, they can. If one starts looking beyond the physical form of each other, then relationships can indeed be platonic.
Q. One-night stand or commitment?
A. Commitment.

A. That would have to be my girl, Yana Gupta.
Q. Your first crush?
A. It was my 5th Standard English teacher. I was really good in the subject, thanks to her. I was very shy, but never missed a single class.
Q. What would you do if you found that your girl swung both ways?
A. I would ask her to make a choice.
Q. Your take on the institution of marriage from the point of view of a bachelor?
A. Marriage is extremely holy and one of the biggest decisions in one's life. It is something I'd like to do once in my life, hopefully for keeps.