Actress fulfills her childhood dream of becoming a journalist by playing one in 'Joker'
Minissha Lamba's long-lived dream of becoming a journalist is finally coming true. Well, almost!
The actress will play a scribe in Shirish Kunder's upcoming film. In fact, to prepare for her role, Minissha
even had to spend three days at a news channel studio to understand how real-life journalists work.
The actress says, `As a little kid, I used to stand in front of the mirror and practice taking interviews and used to report activities happening around. I really love the thought of going on the field and reporting.`
Though the 27-year-old actress couldn't become a scribe, she's glad this role came her way. `Luck had something else in store for me. Finally, when Shrish came to me with this role, I was overwhelmed and grabbed
the opportunity instantly,` she adds.
Spending time at the news studio helped her better her scribe act. `Thinking of being a journalist and actually playing one is like the two sides of the same coin. It's not as easy as it looks,` sums up Minissha.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012 14:32 IST