After his illness I saw the same passion. We are trying out a new technique in Kochadaiyyan, the performance-capturing technique. So it's a completely new experience with me. While the emotions are what I've conveyed, the technique used is completely new. `
Deepika might dub for the Tamil version of Kochadaiyyan. ` As for Japanese or Telugu, I don't know these languages. The idea is to make this a big international film coming from India. It isn't only a Tamil language film. `
Deepika is deeply wounded with reports that Siddharth Mallya has bought her a home.

Taking a deep breath the house-proud actress says, `From the time I came to Mumbai I was looking for a particular kind of home which didn't have to be bought according to the kind of of money I made in Mumbai. I've been used to a certain kind of lifestyle from long before I came to Mumbai. And I worked hard for it.
Thankfully my Dad has handled all my finances pretty wisely. Yeah, I am smart about money. To hear people take away from my achievements by suggesting someone bought my house for me and, worse, that I am going to sell the house is insulting.
Buying property in Mumbai is not that simple. I'm just getting used to my home, where's the question of moving out? I come from a home in Bangalore where we were taught to value what we have. I never took money from my father once I started working.

More than me it's very embarrassing for my parents to read my home has been bought by someone and that I am selling the home that has supposedly gifted. I'm very proud of my house. It's been a year since I moved on. I wouldn't dream of moving out. `