Auto love
I am crazy about cars. They are so beautiful! Once when I was getting ready for a car-related event, I told my make-up artist-cum-stylist, `No matter what you make me wear or what make-up you do, I'll get conscious in front of these cars.` (smiles). My favourite car is Aston Martin V8 Vantage S Coupe. It's a gorgeous black car. I have not seen it here in India, but I so wish I could get it here.
Traffic woes
I am a good driver, but I have driven only twice in Mumbai because there are just no traffic rules here. Nobody waits for you, assuming that you will be the one who will wait. In Delhi, they have bigger roads. I am not saying that the traffic there is any better, but at least the bigger roads help. The rickshaws and the bikes in Mumbai just cut across so badly that you are left scared.

Women are good drivers
I don't like the fact that women are labelled as bad drivers. I have seen so many men driving rashly. It's just a male ego thing. Women are good drivers; they take a lot more precautions than men do. I agree that a lot of women are on phones while driving.
They think it's a cool thing. But then everyone does that right? In fact, many drivers in our country talk on the phone while driving which is really unsafe.

On a long drive
A drive in a nice car by yourself is really romantic. I wouldn't want to be accompanied by anyone then. I would rather spend time with my car (giggles).
But I don't think I would like long drives in Mumbai because even the usual travel for work becomes an exhausting enough drive for me. Even the Delhi traffic doesn't make long drives enjoyable. I like Hyderabad roads a lot. Even Bangalore and Chennai have nice roads.

Safety first
Safety comes first while I drive. I always make sure that I as well as the person sitting next to me are wearing seatbelts. There's a reason why the seatbelts and the mirrors are there.
Drivers stop without looking in the rear view mirror and then they just blame the person driving behind you. Honestly, I don't know much about the mechanics of my car yet. But in India it's alright. You can always catch hold of a mechanic and quickly get your car repaired.
Abroad, it's not like that. You don't get mechanics that easily and so you know your machines better there.