We wonder if that could be the reason why Fardeen Khan's car has been resting idly inside the parking lot outside a Juhu luxury suburban hotel. That too since the past four months!
Well, turns out the actor, a Juhu resident, hasn't taken his Mercedes 500 out for a ride in a long while now. According to those employed at the parking space opposite JW Marriott, Fardeen has been paying for it in lump sum on a monthly basis.
Besides, they added that since the payment is always sent on time, he is `within his rights` to use the allotted space. However, we feel the rather expensive automobile could do without the dust.
`The car's cover is gathering dust as it hasn't been removed even once in months now, ` says an onlooker.

Interestingly, back in 2008, Fardeen got into trouble for the same car for not having the appropriate paperwork when he bought it. The issue was eventually sorted out.
This time around, Fardeen sent us a polite yet a direct reply stating, `I don't need to explain why I park my cars where I do.`