The differences between Rahul Bhatt and his illustrious father Mahesh Bhatt, now chronicled in Rahul's book Headley & I which he has co-authored with Hussain Zaidi, have finally been ironed out, thanks in no small measure to Pooja Bhatt who has been trying to get her father and brother on the same page.
It looks like Pooja's prayers were answered. On Thursday January 24 when Rahul turned 31, the estranged father and son spent the entire day together along with Pooja.
At peace with his newly-found bonding with his dad Rahul said, `I'm with my father and sister the whole day today on my birthday. I've realized I've been a little harsh, unfair and selfish in judging him. I am now reaching out to him purely as a son with no expectations as an actor. `

An eerie karmic connection seems to connect the 26/11 main-accused David Headley with actor Rahul Bhatt. While their unlikely bonding is now chronicled in a book, their relationship seems to have acquired a renewed relevance in the light of a bizarre coincidence.
Headley's final sentencing by the court has been fixed for today January 24 which happens to Rahul Bhatt's birth date.
And Rahul is deeply disturbed by the coincidence.
Says the actor, `I really don't see it as a coincidence. There is a strange bonding between us, as though our lives are in some way inter-connected.
Otherwise, why would my birthday fall exactly on the day of Headley's sentencing? It's a very disturbing thought and I feel no pleasure in my birthday any more. Because of my association with Headley I am suffering through my own private 26/11 which no one knows about. `

What he shyly reveals is that his proud sister Pooja Bhatt bought a 100 copies of his Headley book and distributed it among family and friends.