Daughter of Ira Bhaskar, a renowned professor of film studies, actress Swara Bhaskar admits her understanding of cinema is better thanks to her mother, who wants her to watch a lot more regional and international
"My mother is always complaining that I don't watch enough films, enough regional and international cinema, and that I don't take advantage of her amazing library or take her knowledge very seriously," Swara told over
Nevertheless, the young actress believes her mother is a "great teacher and a scholar par excellence".
"When I was in college, I used to sit in on some of her film lectures and they were amazing," she added.
Swara gives full credit to her parents - Ira and strategic expert C Uday Bhaskar, for raising her the way they did.
"I imbibe from them a certain cultural and intellectual capital. So definitely, my understanding of cinema and the world is better thanks to my mother. I'm a very proud daughter of my parents; I love being introduced as
'Ira and Uday Bhaskar's daughter'," she said.

Friday, May 17, 2013 15:39 IST