Taking a deep breath she says, `Look, I'd still like to give the accused the benefit of the doubt. But if the allegations are true then it's really really sad for the country, for the game and for the IPL. So much faith is placed on these players.
I don't think they've any business betraying us like this. If the allegations are true then let me tell you the BCCI is going to take very stern against these players. At the same time we can't write off the game just because there might be some rotten eggs in the basket. `
Preity admits there have been times when she has felt out of place in the IPL. `I am not going to deny there are dark moment when I feel, 'What the hell am I doing here?'

But on the whole the IPL experience has been very fulfilling and I've never been seriously tempted to question my place in it. I only wish people who are part of the IPL would take their responsibilities seriously.
Finally it's not the players but the team owner who has to face the uncomfortable questions on the raison d'etre of the IPL. `
And Preity by the grace of the cricketing Gods, has learnt to take the criticism on her chin. `These last three years have made me stronger. I feel I am far more experienced now as a humanbeing than I was three years ago.
We actors lead very cocooned lives. I think being only actor limited my world-view. We go to the studios do our shots and come back home. As an entrepreneur, a cricket team owner and a producer I've had rigorous exposure to the world outside the film studio.

Today I feel I am in touch with many more realities both within myself and in the outside world. Yeah, I think I'm stronger. `