It was a living nightmare for Bhushan Kumar and his family after his mother was reported missing in the recent deluge in the north
While the entire nation is distressed at the massive floods in the northern parts of India, Bhushan Kumar had to face a very
personal crisis moment because of it.
The producer and music entrepreneur's mother Sudesh Kumari, who was visiting the region on a pilgrimage, remained
untraceable for a couple of days. However, after much ado, she was finally traced and is said to return home to Mumbai today.
Sudesh Kumari
Says a source, `Bhushan's mother, along with a couple of relatives, had gone on a pilgrimage, when the floods suddenly struck.
They were stuck in Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh. When Bhushan was informed of the situation, he made many attempts to reach his
mother but could not succeed. He was extremely worried.`
It was only after a few military officials helped in the search that the group could be found and were transported to safer grounds.
A relieved Bhushan says, `I was very worried as the phone lines were also down. However, I got in touch with the military division
there and she is back now.`

Monday, June 24, 2013 13:24 IST