All efforts to keep their upcoming film under the shroud of secrecy backfired on the makers of an upcoming film. Suspecting the shoot to be that of an adult film, local authorities as well as cops landed on the sets of Kill The Rapist.

According to sources, the producers of the film wanted to limit the buzz about the film owing to its sensitive subject. But it got a few locals around the Madh Island sets suspicious and they called the police to check out the area.
A unit hand says, `We had to shoot some crucial but sensitive scenes. We sent the junior crewmembers and set workers out of the location while filming those scenes. Some workers simply assumed we were shooting an adult film and notified the police.`
While the shooting was disrupted, the makers had to show the film's footage to the authorities to lay the rumours to rest.
Producer Siddhartha Jain states, `After they checked the footage, they patted us on our backs and we continued shooting.`