Dream debut
After Commando, I became acquainted with Bollywood, filmmaking, fame and attention. Things have improved for outsiders who want to make a career in Bollywood. In fact, I was quite skeptical about the industry as I had no one to guide me. I was heartened to see the positive reception given to the film. The film's success meant a lot for me.

Hometown history
My life in Pune, where I grew up was quite chilled-out. The city has its own charm. People have more time to meet you for a chat or cup of chai. In Mumbai, people hardly have any time.
Sometimes, my friends ask me don't you feel annoyed as in Pune you cant go for walks or have paani-puri or sit in sit in a coffee shop, I reply by saying that I always strived for stardom. If I were not an actress I would have been an IAS officer.

Tamil talk
I found it very tough to speak in Tamil. It felt strange on the sets as everyone around me were saying things that I didn't understand at all. It is easier for me to emote a character in Hindi. Working in a Tamil film was fun but nothing beats Bollywood films.

Fashion matters
I feel that every celebrity should have a basic sense of fashion. When you are in showbiz, you are constantly in the limelight. People look at you closely, thus taking care of your hair, clothes, make up, accessories and nails becomes very important. I am a very fashion conscious girl who loves feminine clothes. I like to wear cocktail shorts, dresses and gowns.

Fitness matters
Since school I was a hyperactive kid, I was always into running, jumping, and playing badminton. I can't do any exercise activity for a long time, for instance I cannot do yoga or gym for three months. I change my exercise routine and do skipping, jogging, swimming. A varied regime is great for the body.