But the so far latent tussle of these two sizzling babes came out in open when Katrina visted Salman's family on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi.

When Kat reached Alvira's house Malaika and Katrina didn't greet each other.
Soon after dropping in at Alvira's home Kat walked in and sat beside Salman's mother Salma Khan where as Malaika kept her at an arms distance and sat in the corner with Sohail and friends told the onlookers.
Despite it's being a festive occasion both the gorgeous women refused to greet each other with their near and dear ones watching.

Reports further suggest that even while Salman was dating Kat even at that point of time the duo never gelled up well. But now it looks like after Kat's parting way from Salman for Ranbir has further broadened the crevice between the two.