While he knew a few people in the house, the rest are strangers to him. To make Asif familiar with other members of the house, Bigg Boss gave a task to the housemates. According to the task, every member in the house has to tag other housemate basis characteristics written on a card. Later, the person who has been tagged needs to guess the name of the housemate who gave him/her that tag.
Bigg Boss gave the responsibility to Tanisha to lead this session and ensure that everybody read their name tags. While the session was in full swing, it got more interesting when Kamya tagged Gauahar as 'jhoothi'. When asked why she tagged Gauahar with this characteristic, Kamya went back to their argument over the swap nominations and said that she has been a big liar.

Gauahar does not appreciate Kamya's behaviour and tries to justify her point. Tanisha tries to control the situation and takes the session ahead. Looks like Asif to take it slow.