With 12 outfits and two copies of each to ensure safety in case of wear and tear, designer Hitesh Kapopra and Bhakti Joshi went in for outfits that fitted Sunny like a second skin.
Says Hitesh, "Sachiin had briefed us not to spare any efforts or expenses. The look should never be compromised. With such instructions, it was inevitable that we would go in for outfits that would set the screen sizzling."

Interestingly, post Jackpot release, Hitesh is auctioning Sunny;s outfits for charity. "It was very sweet of Sachiin to give us the outfits so that i could auction them. But i wanted to give them for charity as someone deserving could actually get a Jackpot," reasons Hitesh.
Looks like there will be a lot of takers for Sunny's sexy outfits from Jackpot, wot say!