In a surprise move Andy was evicted on Tuesday night.
Says Andy, `I was out at 1 am. The very kind Bigg Boss team offered to put me up in a hotel for the night. But I preferred to drive back to town to be with my brother and my best friend who lives with me.`
Andy says he wasn't disappointed at having come so far and then being evicted. `You are seeing the glass half-empty. But I always see the other side. Think of it this way. I actually went up to being among the 5 finalists. Which was quite an achievement for me? I didn't think I could survive in there for so long. The first 6 weeks were great fun. There was laughing and joking, fun and banter....Then the bullying started. Suddenly I was the victim of a lot of ganging-up and bullying. I just couldn't take it.`
A psychiatrist had to be brought in to calm Andy down. `After a point, I just wanted to leave. But Bigg Boss got me to speak to someone. And that calmed me down. I was able to sleep peacefully . I was the master-chef in Bigg Boss. So if nothing else, I've come away a better cook than ever before,` says the British Asian vj-actor whose mom, brother three sisters, nephews and nieces are the anchors of his life.

And who were Andy's friends inside Bigg Boss?
Sighs Andy deeply, `Listen, I'd like to think of everyone in there as friends. Yes, there were cowardly double-standards and mistakes were made. But at the end of the day, we are all human. And I'd like to only focus on the good things that happened in there. I made friends with Shilpa Saklani. In the initial weeks she made me feel at home in there. When she left I was devastated. Tanissha too in spite of her discernible dithering, was a friend. Sangram Singh was my teddy bear. We slept together. But let's get this straight-ha ha-we shared a bed as brothers.`
Andy has only words of gratitude for host Salman Khan. `I'd looked forward to every Saturday when he spoke to me. It was my reality-check in a bizarre unnatural situation. He was very kind to me. And he would admonish those bullies in there who went belligerently after me. He'd tell the a..holes to back off.`

Andy reiterates he has no regrets about not winning Bigg Boss. `I never expected to win. I think Gauhar or Tanissha stand a good chance of winning. As far as I am concerned I was right there till the end. I was evicted only three days before the grand finale. So I feel as good as victorious. I've come away a lot more patient and appreciative of the good things in life. When I came out of Bigg Boss my brother gave me a chocolate biscuit. Nothing has ever tasted so good. And hey, my Hindi has improved. Meri Hindi kafi sudhar gayi hai.`
Future plans for Andy include a career in Bollywood. `I don't mean I want to play the hero. There are so many roles to play in today's Hindi cinema. I am a trained actor. I've done theatre in London. I've also done choreography and dancing for 15 years. Mumbai has been my home for 10 years now. I am not going anywhere.`