With women usually taking more time to get ready, it's perhaps expected of them to be late. But actor Abhay Deol is quick to dispel this stereotyped notion as he saunters in a tad late for the interview.
Accompanying him is his girlfriend and One By Two co-star Preeti Desai, who he emphasises, is not to be blamed for their delay. `I lost track of time as I was busy replying to lot of people who had written to me about the film,` he says, flashing a sheepish smile. The couple sits down for a quick chat with HitList.
Did you consult Abhay before choosing this film?
Preeti Desai (PD): I often consult him and he does the same too. When he gets a script, he asks me to go through it and tell him what I think of it. We then argue over the script as we are completely different personalities. But I respect his choices.
Is it good to have Abhay's support in this industry?
PD: I'd say it's a mixed bag. The good thing is that I can come on the sets and get a first-hand experience. On the other hand, he is very particular about not favouring me. He wants my work to do all the talking.
Abhay Deol (AD): In this film, for instance, it wasn't my idea to cast her. I didn't recommend Preeti; she was director Devika Bhagat's choice because she felt that Preeti fit the bill.

How would you describe your experience of working with Devika?
AD: I know her for more than ten years now, so there's a certain comfort level between the two of us. We have our creative differences but we sort things out at the end of the day.
PD: She is very clear about what she wants, so that helps get the work done faster. We actually finished the shoot two days before schedule!
Is marriage on the cards?
AD: I like my life the way things are now. I don't need to sign a piece of paper to prove my love and loyalty to Preeti.
PD: I want to focus on my career and be financially stable before I think of marriage and kids. So it's not happening anytime soon.

What are pros and cons of working with one's real-life partner?
AD: It can be hard to be a different person in front of someone who knows you so well.
PD: I was initially nervous about working with him because he has done so much and I am just starting out. But once the cameras started rolling, we immersed ourselves in our respective characters.