The promo for Grover's show was shot last week.
The new female character that Grover would introduce on his show would be called 'Chutki.'
Says a source, `Star Plus and Sunil Grover thought of many variations on 'Gutthi' for Grover. They've finally decided to call his new female avatar Chutki.`
Apparently 'Chukti' would physically resemble 'Gutthi'.
Says the source, `The get-up and body-language would be similar but not identical. Grover and the Channel want to give a fresh identity to Sunil Grover's show.They don't want it to look like a carryover of Kapil Sharma's show.`
Apparently the jokes, gags and skits are being consciously planned as being different from Kapil's show.Plans to pitch Grover's show bang against Comedy Night With Kapil have also been dropped.

Says the source, `Sunil's show has for now been slotted for 8.30 pm behind Kapil's show which comes on at 10 pm. The idea is to let the two shows co-exist rather than compete against one least for now.`
While all other details of the show have been decided the one point of dispute between Sunil Grover and the channel is the title of the show.
Says the source, `While the channel wants to name the show after Sunil Grover, he wants a more generic title for the show. That's the only issue that needs to be resolved. All other matters have been dealt with and the show is ready to roll in February.`