A source close to the actor said, `Arjun has always been an athlete, and health has been of prime importance to him. Everyone in the industry can vouch for that. He has worked hard to achieve all that he has. It is enraging to see a publication, which is clearly misinformed, twisting facts to suit its headline. Hrithik is not a runner, but he still ran just to watch his sons beam with pride. It is high time Arjun spoke up. The media has been having a field day for a long time now, publishing news without verifying facts or giving details.` He also went on to add that Arjun did reach out to DNA, but all he got, was a lame clarification, with the publication slyly admitting that they had wronged.

Arjun wrote to the publication, sharing his concern about them making headlines out of a simple sports day. The day was all about their kids, and that is how it should have been. In fact, last year, Leander beat Arjun, and this year it was Arjun who beat Leander. It was all in good spirit, and not about winning and losing. The article even went on to crack a nasty remark at the end of the story, which was absolutely uncalled for.
We didn't know that publications have started visiting Annual Sports Days of schools to find content for their pages. Is the news industry really going that dry, that they are willing to stoop to this level, and write articles without verifying facts? A man does pay the price for stardom, but does the price have to be this high? The media needs to be responsible and understand that every act of theirs, has a multiplied affect on the lives of those written about.