Shahrukh, who is all excited and busy promoting his upcoming film, gave the director sleepless nights during the shoot. The project, which has been kept under wraps, finished its final schedule recently, when the director was overheard saying, that she could finally "get some peaceful sleep."
A crew member, on request of anonymity said, "Shahrukh is in love with the script and the film. It is really close to his heart. During the daytime shoot, the rehearsals and final takes go absolutely fine, but at night, the actor starts throwing tantrums. He asks the director for every small thing, leaving her with little or no sleep at all."
`Almost every night, the director would be woken up for something or the other. It would either be due to noises from his room, or because of Shahrukh wanting food in the middle of the night. Now that the shoot is over, the director can finally catch up on her sleep", said another insider.
This surprise 2014 movie from the actor will release in April, we hear.
The reason for tantrums is still unknown and the director has been unavailable for an official comment.

Friday, February 21, 2014 12:18 IST