SLB feels more creatively fulfilled now than he ever did. `I feel I am at that stage of my life when all my hard work , all the knowledge and experiences that I've gathered over the years have come to fruition. I feel more fulfilled and complete today than I did when I was 40.`
Post the grand success of Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram Leela SLB feels rejuvenated. `I'm more adventurous now. I am more fearless as an artiste.I am working with various kinds of talent. I directed an opera in Paris in 2008. Now I want to do more of the things that I can do if I have a team around me .Today I am working far harder than I did five years ago. I put in nearly 20 hours every day.And I am enjoying every bit of it.`

At the moment SLB is producing a massy masala movie called Gabbar. `I've grown up in Bhuleshwar. I'd pass through the red-light area every day looking at those theatres with those eccentric names.I've grown up with the rowdies and the Gabbars all around me. I loved those movies of the early 1970s near Alfred Talkies. The humour in my life even in my in own family was filmy.It's a wonderful thing to go back to these titles.`
The creator would want to rewrite a single word of the screenplay so far. `All the pain, suffering, love passion and conflict have made me what I am.I make passionate love stories because I don't have love in my life. My art completes my life.My life may be unfulfilled. But it isn't unhappy`