Speaking of this daunting challenge that awaits him Varun says, `In Sriram Raghavan's film I've what may probably be the most challenging role that I'd ever do in my career. I know I've just started out. But Sriram's film gives me a very complex character to play.I can guarantee you this would be the toughest role I'd get to play for a very long time.`
When pressed to reveal more Varun says, `I've to take my character through a number of generations.I've to play both younger and much older than my actual age.I've never seen anything like this before. Sriram's approach to filmmaking is very different from that of any other filmmaker that I know of.`

While the dedicated, utterly focused actor is not allowed to say any more about his role in Sriram Raghavan's film one has come to know that Varun would require enormous prosthetic support to play the older version of his character.
Says a source, `Sriram is currently experimenting with various looks for Varun's character. The idea is to make him look convincing as a 60-year old without drastically revising his looks or body language.`