He is a senior filmmaker whose latest film was released recently. Buzz has it that he lost his cool at the film's producer over the timing of the film's release. It seems that the former didn't want the film to hit the cinema halls during the cricket season.
Says a source, `This director thinks that with the release clashing with cricket matches, the film's box office collection has been adversely affected. In fact, he had communicated the same to the film's producer who didn't listen to him and instead went ahead with the film's release.`
The source adds that now that the film's collection has not lived up to its expectations, he is all the more miffed with the producer. Matters came to a head when the director lashed out against the latter.
`The film's director and producer yelled at each other on the phone. The director kept referring to the producer's overconfidence and how his suggestion was not heeded. Not surprisingly, all is not well between the two,` says the source.

Friday, April 11, 2014 12:11 IST