Fashion express
I am no fashionista but I feel that fashion is a wonderful art form - a way for all of us to express who we are and what we feel. It allows us to stand out; something which is inherent in all humans. I don't think there is anything called a fashion faux pas. We laugh at people when they don't wear the right thing as it doesn't appeal to our taste. That's wrong. You have the right to wear what you want. It's okay if you want to have purple hair or combat boots. Do it. Be free. Be you!
My rules
I may have to wear leopard printed pants in films but that's not something you'd find me in off the sets. I wear what makes me feel comfortable - boots, denims and t-shirts. And I have a penchant for the colour black.
Tomboy taste
High heels look sexy but they hurt like hell. I like the edgy, street look. I would always prefer denims and boots to short dresses. I am a tomboy at heart.

Fashion icons
I like Sonam Kapoor's and Kalki Koelchin's fashion sense. Kalki's experiments with different things appeal a lot to me.
On my mind
I don't mean any offence to the fashion conscious but I really don't care what anyone wears.
Honestly, I mostly read about psychology and nutrition and healthcare, much more than I would ever read fashion magazines or spend time following trends.