Currently riding high on the success of `Holiday - A Soldier Is Never Off Duty`, Akshay is raising two children with wife and actress Twinkle Khanna.
When asked if he deliberately keeps his children away from the limelight, he promptly said: `Yes.`
`I think it is better to keep children away from being seen everywhere - in newspapers and all. I want to give them a normal childhood,` Akshay told IANS.
What are the joys of watching your kids growing up?

`It's absolutely a delight, it's the biggest joy for any father. Earlier, when I used to finish my shoot, I wasn't really interested in going home. But after my kids were born, I wait to finish work so that I can rush home and spend time with them."
`I want to hear them calling me daddy, dad, dada. The happiness is something that I can never measure,` he said.