If sources are to be believed, Rajkumar Hirani's film, 'pk', that stars Aamir Khan, has apparently suffered a major setback.
It turns out that the studio that was working on special effects for the film apparently lost its backup in the recent Lotus Business Park fire. Though there were reports that the company had a backup of the files lost in the fire, sources say that this is not the case.
Says a source, `Pixion is working on the special effects for the film and the Lotus Business Park fire has caused them a lot of damage. The recent fire that broke out there consumed everything, including the firm's backups. As a result, the studio has lost all of pk's special effects scenes. Now they will have to work on those scenes all over again.`

Another source says that the studio had worked on the special effects for more than three months. `All their efforts seem to have gone in vain. There's nothing they can do about this, except start from scratch. The studio's team will now have to work really hard to get everything fixed in time,` adds this source.
Both director Rajkumar Hirani and Pixion's spokesperson remained unavailable for comment.