"Girls have the ability to transform their own lives, develop their own enterprises and help grow India's economy," said Priyanka, the UNICEF India goodwill ambassador.
Building Young Futures aims to unlock the potential of young people from disadvantaged communities.
The 32-year-old, who had been supporting UNICEF's adolescent work in the country for eight years, met young women Sunday in Chandrapur, over 900 km from here, to mark International Youth Day - Aug 12 and to witness how their lives are being transformed through the Building Young Futures programme, which is run in partnership with Barclays, said a statement.

The actress-singer feels that it is giving the girls vital skills and support they need to shape up their future.
"I met girls who have experienced incredible hardship in their lives. Building Young Futures has given them a voice and confidence, or 'daring' as they call it. These girls are working together, setting up businesses, planning their futures; they are empowered to handle the challenges life throws at them," said Priyanka.
"I strongly advocate that parents, care-givers and educators must give the girls more and more opportunities to grow in their lives," she added.