This model recently grabbed headlines when she filed a case against a top gun and now she's trying to hog the limelight once again. Only this time, she wants to lock a berth in a reality show. Sources say that she even roped in a politician friend to make a case for her with a leading actor, requesting him to recommend her name to the show's makers.
Says a source, `This model is known to be in the news for wrong reasons. Recently, she managed to meet a politician who knows the actor well. She had a private meeting with this politician where she requested him to arrange a meeting with the star.` The source adds that this politico was initially reluctant to approach his actor friend but he eventually gave in and made her meet the actor.

`He had word with the actor and then they met at the actor's residence. The model then asked the actor if he could help her by suggesting her name to the show's makers.
To this the actor replied that choosing the contestants for the show is not in his hands. He told her that it's the production house and the channel who take the final call. Later on, he expressed his displeasure to the politician and questioned him as to why he had brought her along to his house,` says the source.