Another such film is 'Roar-Tigers of Sundarbans' which focuses on a sensitive issue of Tiger poaching and encroachment of their natural habitat. The gripping tale revolves around the inhabitants of the Sundarbans who are haunted by angry roars of a Royal Bengal Tigress. They are ready to hunt the vicious yet beautiful creature down as she continues to unleash havoc on them.

This film gives audiences an opportunity to ponder upon the serious repercussions of environmental problems. Humans are infringing upon Tiger's territory causing it to enter human land for survival. Consequently, man in order to defend himself aims to kill the animal. How far will people go to protect themselves? Unlike humans, animals are guided purely by instinct, so think! Is the act of killing necessary or can there be a better way?
This is a story very Indian should watch and know about. Providing a tax free status to 'Roar-Tigers of Sundarbans' will make it affordable for every Indian to watch and learn about the fate of the Tiger. This is an important step in the right direction. Save the Tiger, support the cause.