And one such instance which has once again exposed the ongoing cold war between Aamir and SRK is the release date of PK's first trailer and SRK starrer "Happy New Year" where former will precede latter by a couple of hours.

Although some may claim that this is sheer coincidence without any conniving plot underneath, but if you pay heed to the on going not so pleasing war between these two titan Khans, then you will find that ever-since SRK has taken a dig at Aamir's first PK poster while addressing a media event "AAL IS NOT WELL" between these two.
In fact at a media conference in the recent past when Aamir was told about SRK's unsolicited remarks about PK's poster, Aamir shun away from giving any comment but in-spite of that it was his body language which said a thousand words.
And now the strategic release of PK poster just before the release of "Happy New Year" quit conspicuously proves that, now Mr Perfectionist want to pay back SRK his dues by sabotaging the hype surrounding SRK's "Happy New Year".

Well eventually whatever turns out to be be the truth one thing is for sure that the hype which is circumscribed the release of PK's trailer in some manner will definitely impact the diaspora scattered around "Happy New Year".