"I am looking at HNY as a cut-off point in my career. I am hoping that one phase of my professional life has ended and a new one will begin. I've therefore signed no films after HNY. I want to see the reaction to my performance as one of the film's protagonists," said Sonu.
Sonu confesses that the confidence to take such a big decision comes from Shah Rukh Khan who has produced the film and also acted in it.
"It is to his credit that he gave me prominence in all the promotion and marketing of 'Happy New Year'. He praises my performance at every given opportunity. That has boosted my self confidence. I've done dozens of Hindi, Telugu and Tamil films in strong supporting roles, both negative and positive. It's time for me to take the lead now," he said.
Hopefully, HNY would do the trick for Sonu.

"I can't believe audiences are clapping and cheering at my entry. It's almost unreal. It's time for me to indulge in some serious herogiri," said the actor who visited theatres to see the response.
"The break between what I've done before 'Happy New Year' and what I'll do after would be decisive," he added.