He recently travelled with the HNY team for the SLAM tour and his unforeseen pause in the tour due to an injury brought his health issues to the fore even more forcing him to immediately seek medical aid to nurse him back. The biggest factor that kept him going for his need to ensure he fulfills the expectations of his fans and provides good music and entertainment. He isn't Yo Yo (Aapka Apna) Honey Singh just for name sake!

Given the constant high fever, blood pressure rise and drops and acute physical stress, he's now been instructed by the doctors to take complete bed rest to bring his body back to normalcy and thus come out of this fit and healthy. He's now resting in his Delhi house with his parents and wife overlooking.
Honey Singh's wife Shalini confirms," Honey has been keeping unwell since few days but he kept pushing himself to fulfill his commitments but the physical stress has just made it worst for him. He's been asked to take complete bed rest for next couple of months by the doctors. With all the support and love from his well wishers, friends, family and most importantly fans, we are sure he'll be back before we know."