Praneet who once was a very sorted and calm personality, seems to be getting more hyper and aggressive by each passing day. Earlier also, we have witnessed Praneet shouting his lungs out, be it a petty or major issue.

For instance, the argument between Gautam and Praneet over cleaning a particular area of the garden. Also, during the Judgment task ,when Gautam was being accused, Praneet was again seen, taking his frustration out on Gautam.
However, yesterday again the duo got engaged in an argument which took an ugly turn by the end. The argument started when Gautam questioned Praneet regarding, who was the in charge for the garbage bag, which was not kept properly.

The conversation was converted into an unnecessary argument, further leading to a huge outburst. Apparently, Puneet tried to harmonize the situation and made them resolve their issue. The duo hugged each other and made peace.
But the question arises that, did the two compromise out of respect for Puneet or did they seriously forgave each other? Will the two overcome their differences in the future or will these differences act as fuel to the fire again?